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The waist is proving to be more difficult than I thought.  So I had done all my calculations but it is not fitting as snug as I would like it.  I am hoping for an overall look of being very shapely, so I want it to fit as well as it can.  After much thought I decided to remove six whenu from each panel and make them into plaits and then add them back in as the waist measurement increases to go towards the breasts.  Not very happy with the look because it's starting to look a bit busy for me.  I generally prefer understated, unfussy and like the work to speak for itself, not be covered in fancy pattern.  I know I need to trust the process but it's hard when the evidence is staring you in the face!  The good thing is that I have found some tiny wooden pegs that are brilliant for holding things together - big enough to do the job but small enough to keep out of the way.