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This bodice is all about shaping.  Almost as soon as I started I realised I had to start decreasing to head towards the waist.  To do this I measured what length I had from the hips to the waist, measured how many inches I needed to lose (sounds familiar!), then calculated how many whenu I would decrease each row to reach this.  I will be including two whenu in each whatu stitch (and treating them as one), sort of like decreasing in a row of knitting.  I have discovered that the organza whenu are acting like markers so I don't have to do a lot of counting (as you would in knitting), just decrease say one or two in each panel. 

My mannequin is amazing to work with.  Every row I take the bodice off the frame and put it on her to see how it's looking and whether it fits or not.  I want the bodice to overlap in the front so I can do some kind of front fastening.  So far so good!