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On arriving home from noho I was inspired to do something different - to make something out of material that I previously had "discarded".  It's all about being resourceful and letting the materials speak for themselves, not prejudging whether or not a material is "good enough".  Sounds like a great life concept, doesn't it?  So in my box of flax I had some 1cm wide whenu (wider than I have been using lately) dyed golden yellow (which actually is the colour of pumpkin) which I did not like at all.  I mixed it with black and natural and decided to try my hand at making a bodice.  My husband had picked up a mannequin in a second-hand shop for me for $30, a real bargain, and I was keen to dress her!  

Not really knowing what I was doing and never having made anything that was shaped before I pretty much worked it out as I went along.  The end result has amazed me!  I learnt alot about what not to do and discovered some things that do work. Can't wait to make another one and fine tune the process.