I have been reading about different embroidery stitches and have started to experiment with working them onto a muka background instead of the traditional aida cloth. I am making a stitched sampler along the lines of a similar one I made 20 years ago when I went to embroidery classes. Some of the muka stitches give a similar effect to embroidery e.g. mawhitiwhiti is like a cross stitch, paheke is a running stitch and using different coloured threads for the aho gives the effect of multicoloured backstitch. I guess it all comes from the same origin. There's quite a few stitches I would like to try but for now it's more about the basic premise - that embroidery threads on muka works! I am really liking the overall look but would prefer more muted tones i.e. softer blues. One thing that is obvious so far is where two patterns run alongside each other I need to calculate the common denominator so they look balanced following on from each other. Am learning as I go along. Very excited about the possibilities.