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We've been doing mindmaps to help us discover our research topics.  I've listed all the areas I am interested in and try to find some common threads.  Embroidery, sewing, weaving, natural fibres, natural dyes, therapy, healing, collecting life histories. My tutor looks at my lists and sees something I don't.  A therapeutic journey.  Weaving as a means of telling a story.  My story.

I know weaving is therapeutic because I know the effect it has had on me over the last four years.  There is something very compelling about gathering natural resources and working with my hands to create something.  Not just compelling in a physical sense of making something, or in a creative sense of being inspired, but something (God!) is at work deep inside saying this is who I created you to be . . . I have given you my creative abilities and given you everything you need and when you are making something I am with you and working in you.  So in a spiritual sense (although I don't like to compartmentalise) and in very simplified terms (although I have a mind that constantly tends to overthink), I am finding out about myself, finding out about my God and finding out where I fit into this world.  That is therapeutic.